
As a syntactician, I am mostly interested in various phenomena related to A-bar dependencies across Chinese languages, including classical examples like question-answer pairs and focus constructions, as well as configurations that are assumed to involve operator movement such as certain adverbial clauses.

In addition to theoretical work, I am also enthusiastic about documentation of understudied languages. I have reported properties of cognate objects in Dschang with Blake Lehman, and how definiteness and possession are expressed in Wuhu Mandarin .  ​


2021. Mandarin conditionals: The external syntax, order preservation and cyclic linearization. NELS-51 Proceedings.

2021. Deconstructing Yes-no Questions: What Moves and What Doesn’t. WCCFL-38 Proceedings.

2021. Definiteness in Wuhu Mandarin [江淮官话芜湖方言的定指范畴]. In Studies on the definiteness in Chinese dialects [汉语方言定指范畴研究] (in Chinese)

2021. An argument analysis of cognate objects in Dschang (Yemba). LSA 2021 Proceedings. (With Blake Lehman)

2013. Attributive possession in Wuhu dialect, Anhui Province [安徽芜湖话的定语领属范畴]. In The Bulletin of Language Study [语言研究集刊] (in Chinese)

Peer-reviewed presentations

On adverbial clauses in Mandarin

"The syntax of two types of Mandarin unconditionals", talk at SICOGG 23, Seoul, Aug 11-13, 2021

"Differentiating two types of Mandarin unconditionals: Their internal and external syntax", talk at JLAO 34, Paris, Jul 7-9, 2021

"The external syntax of Mandarin conditionals and Cyclic Linearization", poster at LSA 2021, Jan 7-10, 2021

"Mandarin conditionals: The external syntax, order preservation and cyclic linearization", flash talk at NELS 51, Montréal, Nov 6-8, 2020 [handout]

On yes-no questions in Standard Mandarin, Wuhu/Nanjing Mandarin, and Cantonese

"Deconstructing yes-no questions: What moves and what doesn’t", talk at WCCFL 38, Vancouver, Mar 6-8, 2020 [hanout]

"Deriving sentence final negation questions in Mandarin and Cantonese", talk at LSA 2020, New Orleans, Jan 2-5, 2020 (with Jiahui Huang) [handout]

"Chinese yes-no questions in a cross-dialectal perspective", poster at LSA 2019, New York, Jan 3-6, 2019

"Revisiting the surface position of Mandarin A-not-A constructions", talk at NACCL 32, Columbus, Mar 8-11, 2018

"Polar Questions with ha in Wuhu", talk at SCSS6, Hong Kong, Nov 25-27, 2017 (with Paul Law)

"The syntax of ha Polar Questions in Wuhu Chinese", talk at NACCL 28, Provo, May 5, 2016


On why questions in Wuhu Mandarin

​"The syntax of single and doubled why questions in Wuhu Chinese", talk at LSA 2018, Salt Lake City, Jan 4-7, 2018 [handout]


On even-focus in Mandarin and Shanghainese

​"An A-bar movement analysis of Mandarin ‘even’-focus constructions", talk at NACCL 32, Storrs, Sep 18-20, 2020 [handout]


On cognate objects in Dschang

"Cognate object constructions in Dschang (Yemba)", talk at WOCAL 10, Leiden, Jun 7-12, 2021 (With Blake Lehman)

"An argument analysis of cognate objects in Dschang (Yemba)", Talk at LSA 2021, Jan 7-10, 2021 (With Blake Lehman) [handout]